-The Dos and Don'ts of Suit and Tuxedo Care: How to Make Them Last
April 19, 2023

The Dos and Don'ts of Suit and Tuxedo Care: How to Make Them Last

Suits and tuxedos are essential items in any man's wardrobe. They are versatile, sophisticated, and can be worn for many different occasions, from ...

The Dos and Don'ts of Suit and Tuxedo Care: How to Make Them Last

Suits and tuxedos are essential items in any man's wardrobe. They are versatile, sophisticated, and can be worn for many different occasions, from weddings to business meetings. However, owning a suit or tuxedo also means taking care of it properly to make it last longer. Here are some dos and don'ts of suit and tuxedo care that can help you maintain your wardrobe investment.


  1. Dry clean your suit or tuxedo only when necessary. Dry cleaning is harsh on the fabric and can shorten the lifespan of your suit or tuxedo. Only dry clean your suit or tuxedo when it is visibly dirty or has an odor that cannot be removed through spot cleaning. Instead of dry cleaning, consider steaming or pressing your suit or tuxedo to keep it looking fresh between washes.

  2. Store your suit or tuxedo in a breathable garment bag. Storing your suit or tuxedo in a breathable garment bag can prevent dust, dirt, and other particles from settling on the fabric. It also allows the fabric to breathe, preventing mold and mildew from developing. Hang your suit or tuxedo on a sturdy wooden hanger to maintain its shape.

  3. Brush your suit or tuxedo regularly. Using a soft-bristled brush, gently brush your suit or tuxedo to remove any dirt or dust particles that may have settled on the fabric. Brushing also helps to keep the fabric looking fresh and smooth.

  4. Spot clean any stains immediately. If you spill something on your suit or tuxedo, spot clean it immediately with a damp cloth. Do not rub the fabric, as this can damage it. Instead, dab the stain gently until it is removed. If the stain is stubborn, take it to a professional cleaner.

  5. Rotate your suits or tuxedos. Wearing the same suit or tuxedo repeatedly can cause it to wear out quickly. Rotate your suits or tuxedos regularly to distribute wear and tear evenly. This will help your wardrobe last longer.


  1. Don't use a wire hanger. Using a wire hanger can stretch out the shoulders of your suit or tuxedo, causing it to lose its shape. Use a sturdy wooden or plastic hanger instead.

  2. Don't store your suit or tuxedo in a plastic bag. Storing your suit or tuxedo in a plastic bag can trap moisture, leading to mold and mildew growth. Use a breathable garment bag instead.

  3. Don't wash your suit or tuxedo in a washing machine. Washing your suit or tuxedo in a washing machine can damage the fabric and cause it to lose its shape. Handwash your suit or tuxedo, or take it to a professional cleaner for best results.

  4. Don't iron your suit or tuxedo directly. Ironing your suit or tuxedo directly can damage the fabric and leave iron marks. Use a pressing cloth or ironing board cover to protect the fabric while ironing.

  5. Don't wear your suit or tuxedo too tight. Wearing your suit or tuxedo too tight can cause the fabric to stretch and lose its shape. Make sure your suit or tuxedo fits comfortably and allows for easy movement.

In conclusion, taking care of your suit or tuxedo can help it last longer and keep you looking sharp. Follow these dos and don'ts of suit and tuxedo care to ensure your wardrobe investment stays in top condition for years to come.

-The Dos and Don'ts of Suit and Tuxedo Care: How to Make Them Last
Updated: April 19, 2023

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