What is your Return Policy?

  • We strive to provide the highest quality products and services to our valued customers, and we want you to be completely satisfied with your purchase. If for any reason you are not satisfied with your purchase, we offer a 15-day time frame to request a return. To qualify for a return...

What is your fulfillment process?

  • We fulfill orders Monday-Friday and ship via UPS or FedEx the very same day. *Unless purchased over the weekend.

Do you have a storefront?

  • No, not at the moment. We only sell online.

Do you sell ties?

  • No, we also do NOT sell bowties unless the Suit or Tuxedo Set comes with it.

What are the top brands you offer?

  • We offer Stacy Adams for both Men and Boys; We carry only Perry Ellis Boy Portfolio at the moment.

What can I do if my promo code isn't working?

  • Message us directly through the website or email us at info@julinie.com.

Do you have a size chart?

How long will it take to get my order?

  • We ship UPS Ground unless directed otherwise. You can choose priority shipping or any other shipping of your choice. UPS Ground will take 3-5 days depending on your location.

How can I Track My Order?

 Can I get a Discount for my School?

  • Yes we support all schools Nationwide! Please contact us if you have any questions or are looking to order for a Big Event. Julinie is here for you and your friends.

Do I get a discount when refer a friend? (Students Only)

  • Yes, we will most definitely give you a discount. Please make sure you email us so we can give you a custom referral code.